Digital Photography and Imaging - Project 2

18.05.2023 - 25.05.2023 (Week 7 - Week 8)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525 / Bachelor or Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Project 2 - Double Exposure & Photo Manipulation


fig 1.1 Double Exposure

fig 1.2 Double Exposure (Me)

fig 1.3 Double Exposure PDF


fig 2.1 Photo Manipulation

fig 2.2 Photo Manipulation PDF


Doing double exposure is an amazing experience. I love being able to add some beautiful fantasy to a person. It could be used to express a lot of things. I really enjoyed experimenting on it and seeing how every filter is created.

As for the poster design, it's actually a bit different from what I initially planned, but it's mostly the same, and I'm really happy I could also experiment on it and I'm really happy it turned out to be so cool. I'm not sure if it's too simple or too much, but overall I'm really proud of it.

I didn't get to see much of my peer's work, but I believe they also enjoy the process and they didn't have much difficulty with it. I also feel like these 2 task has so many possibilities we can do. The feeling of freedom to create itself feels wonderful for me.

I never really know how to work on double exposure. I might know how, but never really tried it. But this project has taught me a lot and even taught me some new tools I never know and never use. I found them to be really useful and enjoyable. For the poster, I find it quite easy, since I just put anything that came to mind, and I felt a bit guilty about that, but I still find myself being immersed with it and enjoyed every second of it.
