Digital Photography and Imaging - Week 2

13.4.2023 (Week 2)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525 / Bachelor or Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Week 2 - Physical Collage

This week for the collage project Mr Fauzi taught us the rule of thirds and the golden ratio. It's a guideline for what is considered a good placement to maximize the power of the design.

fig 1.1 The golden ratio

fig 1.2 Rule of thirds

Mr Fauzi gave us a timelapse of the tutorial  on how to do the collage composition.  

Tutorial video:

This week we went to a workshop session in Taylors to do our collage project. We look for a table and work with our friends. There, I can see my peers works and we can share our magazines and supplies if needed to. It was a great way to do the collage while also getting to know our friends.

Mr Fauzi told us that we need to create 3 composition and show them to him to decide which one we should go for, so we're not supposed to glue them first. Here are my compositions:

Fig 2.1 Composition 1

Fig 2.2 Composition 2

Fig 2.3 Composition 3

Afterwards, Mr Fauzi told me to glue Composition 3 and here's the glued version. (I made a bit of an accident with the base paper so you can see a bit of some scribble behind, please don't mind it :'> )

Fig 2.4 Final result of Physical Collage


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