Digital Photography and Imaging - Week 4

27.4.2023 (Week 3)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525 / Bachelor or Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Week 4 - Adjustment Layers

To prepare us for the next task, we were taught how to do the adjustment layers. For this, Mr Fauzi also kindly prepared a google docs for us to see from. Adjustment layers are basically filters or image editing tools that we can use while keeping the original look of the image. You can add it and discard it anytime you want, which is a great tool to edit the image.

fig 1.1 Adjustment layers explanation on docs

For the tutorial Mr Fauzi gave us a tutorial video on how to remove the backgrounds, how to apply some adjustment on a single layer, and how to quickly fix a skin tone with a "levels" adjustment layer. Those are going to aid us in our future projects.

fig 2.1 Some provided tutorials by Mr Fauzi


After consulting with Mr Fauzi last week, I have decided that I like Composition 1 the most. Now our next task is to play with adjustment layers with them.

Fig 3.4 Playing with adjustment layers (Left: Before, Right: After)

For this one, I used 3 adjustment layers: Hue/Saturation, Levels, and Color Balance. For Hue/Saturation and Color Balance, I erased the road part so they are not affected by the adjustment layers.

Final Result:
Fig 3.5 Final Outcome of Digital Collage


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