Motion Graphics and Compositing - Week 2

2.10.2024 (Week 2)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Motion Graphics and Compositing - Week 2


Week 2

On the 2nd week, we had another on-site class meeting with Mr. Fauzi. We were given an introduction to motion graphics.

We were shown several examples of motion graphics, and how the process is divided into several compositions before they were all merged into one video.

Afterwards, Mr Fauzi gave us our first task, which was to remake 4 of the 8 basic principles of form and design. We are to work on the 4 principles on the bottom part.

We were also given a tutorial video for us to refer to while working on the project.

fig 1.1 Demo video for Project 1 Part 1

From this composition, the principles that I need to remake with my own version the "symmetry", "focus", "scale", and "rhythm".

All I need to do is edit the individual animation for each of the principles, and then it will automatically update the final showcase that displays all 8 principles.

fig 1.2 Edit the individual principles to change the main display

Mr Fauzi recorded the whole tutorial and gave it to us as a demo so we can review it whenever we need to, which is very useful.

After that, the class is done and we are dismissed.


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