Motion Graphics and Compositing - Project 2

30.10.2024 - 4.12.2024 (Week 6 - Week 11)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Motion Graphics and Compositing - Project 2


Project 2: Channel Bumper

In this task, we will synthesise the knowledge gained in Task 1 for application in Task 2.
we are to demonstrate the ability to explore and generate an abstract channel bumper in any creative approach with consideration of good audio tempo and visually compelling video.

I have spent some time thinking about what I should make. After some time I just remembered that I wanted to make some nice edits on Valorant through my DPI class, so wanted to try to make it now.

However, after choosing the theme, I still needed to figure out what I wanted to make and how exactly am I going to make it. I had random ideas that I couldn't make out for so long, but since I had to present something in class I made this very messy sketch at least to give context. 

fig 1.1 My first channel bumper sketch

Upon consultation, Mr Fauzi told me that first, this is a motion graphic class so don't bother too much on trying to make everything by hand. Taking things from the internet is more than enough. He also mentioned to keep in mind that since this is a motion graphics class I shouldn't focus on making animation.

Lastly, he noted that it is better to have assets that I can reuse for the channel ident later, so I shouldn't need to go through the trouble of making new assets every time. 

I took a bit more time to think about what to do, scrolling through some music to see if I could get some inspiration, and after so many songs I managed to get an idea that I could use with the music "Die for You Instrumental"

I finally managed to get through the ideation process, so I tried my best to keep remembering that idea and try to make the storyboard. But for some reason, I just found it easier to brainstorm while looking for the assets and gather them in Illustrator. I feel like I can see a clearer view by seeing the exact assets I will be using, so I can measure the gap, the space, and probably even the method I will be using to make this and that.

I tried to follow the colour theme that is used in Valorant, or in specific, Valorant Champion since I am using the Valorant Champion theme song. After some thought, I decided to use black and gold as my main colour palette. Though I don't plan to change anything colour-wise for the agents or the symbols, I would most likely use it for texts and backgrounds.

fig 1.3 Channel Bumper Storyboard

This is the storyboard animatics I made to give a clearer picture of my plan, as suggested by Mr Fauzi

fig 1.4 Storyboard Animatics

After Effect
fig 2.1 Opening Scene

I started with a nice and cool display of gold rings that rotated and then turned into a 3D ring (of some sort) by using the 3D feature. I put the Champion logo in the middle, and I have to turn it into a 3D object as well and it makes the object be surrounded by the ring.

fig 2.2 Gold text

Following a smooth transition, I gave a big text that appears softly through opacity change, saying "Are you ready?" and the O from the text zoomed in and disappeared.

fig 2.3 Spasm effect

Following that is the agent showcase, where I had this random idea to spice it up a bit by making a beat/spasm effect. I did this by duplicating all the agents' assets and then scaling them up for less than a second and resetting them, as well as making the opacity 50ish. It created a nice, flawless, spasm(?) effect.

While this looks cool, it took me a long time to slowly make sure everything was working correctly, not to mention there are so many agents in one frame, so I have to make sure everything is aligned.

fig 2.4 Agent Speed show(?)

I initially wanted to make a more advanced by rotating the agents a bit and making it as if they are standing on a small globe. But it turned out to be much more difficult to do plus I'm dealing with a lot of agents at once.

After trial and error and hours of doing this part, I finally managed to make a decent show by dragging the camera to the front slowly, and on certain distances (it's not measured cuz I'm too lazy) I put a black screen with the opacity going lower the further it is to the back. When the camera reached that screen, I pull it up. The purpose of this screen is to show a portion of the agents at a time to not overcrowd the screen, especially since they're all the same grey colour and thus easily blend in with each other's silhouettes. The agents in the front row are being swiped to the side one by one until all of them are gone.

The nice thing about this is the unexpected result of this experiment. The screen that got pulled up created this faint horizontal glitch making it look like the old TV show, which is a nice unexpected outcome.

fig 2.5 Closing scene

Lastly, I made a red flashing light to simulate a sudden gunshot, followed by the bullet hole which leads to the closing scene where the valorant logo is being traced.

This tracing method is from the tutorial I found on YouTube, which is a nice, not-too-flashy animation that is a nice way to close the video.

While I don't completely understand each part (logic and technique-wise), I managed to follow the tutorial exactly except for the colour and then made my own Valorant tracing animation.

Final Result


fig 3.2 Channel Bumper Slides


Trying to figure out how to do things on my own with Adobe After Effects was nerve-wracking. I try not to make too many mistakes to avoid making fatal ones, but not only once did I have to delete most of my keyframes because the result was not what I expected and I'm not sure how to fix it.

On the other hand, I'm learning a lot as I figure out how to do what and what to look out for. It was a slow process for me but I managed to learn a lot through trial and error.

It was not as easy as making simple animation and calling it a day. I wanted to try my best and make the best result possible with my current capability. It stressed me out when I didn't know how to do things but also very satisfying when I  managed to solve it too.

During consultation, I noticed some people had difficulties in conveying their ideas, while the others flawlessly finished their work. But all our ideas and methods are different so it's an interesting thing to see

I think I'm starting to figure out how to do the basics in After Effects. I know the logics and thus if I do it slowly I think I can figure stuff out, but also since I'm doing it alone I find myself trying to be extra careful in each step to make sure I don't mess anything too bad in the process. But I trust I will improve as I work on more projects.


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