Advanced Animation - Final Project

26.11.2024 -  11.1.2025 (Week 10 - Week 15)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Advanced Animation - Final Project


Final Project: Action Animation

This final task is a bit more complicated. So, we are required to make a full-action pose and use camera play to make the pose.

At first, I focused on making the animations and brute-forcing the faulty ones. But then when I saw on MyTimes, there are many things we need to do, as we also need to make separate files for blocking, polishing, and final. By the time I noticed this I already reached the polishing phase so I just worked a bit backwards, deleting frames that are not extremes and tidying them up a bit, and then changing the interpolation type to constant to make the graph straight.

For the blocking part, I focused on keyframes that are considered extremes and then made them into constant. This helps to create the blocky-stiff movement of the character to see the extremes clearly.

fig 1.1 Blocking Phase

Polishing Phase
The polishing phase is the part where you take the keyframes from the blocking phase, make the interpolation bezier, and then add some in-betweens to smoothen out the movements.

Consulting with Mr kamal about this, I have just learned that you can actually fix these weird glitches by adjusting the graphs. So the glitches are caused by the graphs not properly reading the intended movements and mess up the graphs. But of course, in some cases, it will be much easier to just make a new keyframe to act as a new anchor.

fig 1.2 Polishing Phase

Final Phase
The final phase is the part where the polished and readied model is given another extra touch by using camera movement to further emphasize the actions.

For this, I'm just using the action and rotation to move the camera around.

fig 1.3 Action Animation Final Phase

Now that I see it, this guy moves a bit too fast and the camera is too shakey for it to be a perfectly cleaned one. So I had this idea to slow him down a little. 

Final result:\
fig 1.4 Action animation final look


While this task is much more challenging for me due to the wide motion contained in it, I'm really glad the result turned out well and I'm really able to challenge myself to the best of my ability through this project. It was really hard work done into it because I tried to have as little twitching or bugging as possible, and it paid off really well for me.

I didn't see any of my peers work for this task but I'm pretty sure they are doing great because they did really well in the previous tasks too.

the major find I got in this project is how I can use the graph to change so many things and not just vertical level like I did with the ball (which makes sense but again it was a bit complicated until I see how Mr kamal does it then I understand)


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