Final Blog - Design Compilation

Final Blog - Design Complilations

Vanessa Kei Kurniadi

Bachelor of Design in Creative Media 

What have I learnt in this Project?

    I have learnt a lot in my several projects in this semester. I have learnt new techniques, tried new styles, and look through so many references. But mostly, I've learnt so much of my capabillities in my works. 

Things I've been limiting myself to, and things I thought I can't do, I've learned and managed to satisfy myself with the accomplishment I've made throughout this journey. Even though I am very far from callin myself a professional in some objects or styles, I am very proud and content with what I achieved in such short time.

What did I enjoy the most?

    I have been challenging my own limits in every piece of my artwork. I did enjoy trying to use new coloring and rendering methods, trying out new objects, and the feeling of pride I felt in every project I finished.

What did I not enjoy the most?

    Visual analysis might be a really new field for me. I spent so much time revising my art just because I focused too much on trying to fill the canvas. I even get to the point where I got stuck and ran out of ideas. It was so frustrating and I started to create more and more dull designs. Even with Mr Charles's feedback through each of them, I found myself creating the same mistakes. Fortunately, Mr Charles was there to finally helped me point out how I should make my design to look, and what I should avoid. I ended up making something new from this experience. But to be honest, it took me a lot of mental and physical energy to do it.

What have I learnt about myself through this module?

    I've learnt that I am capable of so much more than a few webtoon hairs, eyes, and objects. Things like animals, plants, and even my own realistic face, are things I would definitely avoid if I had the choice. But during this project I just took a gamble and try to reach my expectations. I honestly found it really challenging at times, but I definitely surprised myself more than once with what I managed to do with my own hands.

What has and has not changed in my learning journey?

    After working on the projects, I've decided that I truly love my webtoon-like art style. I really feel comfortable doing them, and they might be the base of my future art style when I've done many more drawings. But now I know that it is not the only art style I can use. I can push myself to make many more art styles, and surprise myself with the things I came up with. And while they might be difficult at times, I found myself enjoying most of the process in every artwork I made. Therefore, I am now much more confident when faced with challenges in the future.

What could be improved in this module?

    I definitely would love it if some references could be put in the assignment descriptions. I usually look for them in the guidance videos or at class lectures but sometimes the examples are very few, and in our Visual Analysis project, even Mr Charles had to put some more effort into finding the best words to look for reference in the search engines. It would also be great to put some tips in the assignment descriptions too. For example, what keywords we can try to use in the internet, what we should try to do and what we should avoid. That way we can have a bit more understanding of our tasks. Even though our ways of expressing our designs may vary, it won't hurt to have some examples for us to see and to take inspiration from.


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