Advanced Typography - Final Compilation

1.12.2023 (Week 14)
Vanessa Kei Kurniadi / 0360525
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Advanced Typography - Final Compilation


Task 1A - Typographic Systems

fig 1.1 Typographic system compilation

fig 1.2 Axial typographic system

fig 1.3 Bilateral typographic system

fig 1.4 Dilatational typographic system

fig 1.5 Grid typographic system

fig 1.6 Modular typographic system

fig 1.7 Radial typographic system

fig 1.8 Random typographic system

fig 1.9 Transitional typographic system

fig 1.10 Typographic systems compilation PDF with grid

fig 1.11 Typographic systems compilation PDF without Grid

Task 1B - Type and Play

fig 2.1 Type and Play Dyako Poster

fig 2.2 Type and Play Dyako Poster PDF

Task 2 - Key Artwork & Collateral

fig 3.1 Tofu's Key Artwork Black and White

fig 3.2 Tofu's Key Artwork with color pallete's darkest and brightest color

fig 3.3 Tofu GIF

fig 3.4 My collateral

fig 3.5 Collateral on a hat - green

fig 3.6 Collateral on a hat and sweater - pink

fig 3.7 Collateral on a tote bag - green

fig 3.8 Color pallete

fig 3.9 Tofu Key Artwork and Collaterals PDF

fig 3.11 Instagram Homepage PDF

Task 3 - Type Exploration and Application

Download Dyako Full Regular Here

fig 4.1 Dyako Full Regular in FontLab

fig 4.2 Dyako Full Regular in Metrics Tab

fig 4.3 Dyako Full Regular Presentation

fig 4.4 Dyako Full Regular Presentation PDF

fig 4.5 Dyako Full Regular Application

fig 4.6 Dyako Full Regular Application PDF


This semester has been one heck of a ride for me. It took me a short time to do some things and an awfully long time to do others. I aim to do better than I did last semester, and I took a long time to ensure I like what I see in my work. 

Thankfully, I've been getting a lot of useful feedback for my work, and after revision, I mostly get positive feedback from Mr Vinod, and his positive reaction for my work helped me to aim to do better in my future works.

While in the beginning, my peers seem to have some problems getting their work right, they seem to improve really quickly, and I'm even impressed by their work in Task 2. I took a little different approach for my work in Task 2 so while I shouldn't have worried about being compared to other's work, I was nervous that I did something wrong, and that I couldn't look at my peer's work for inspiration. Fortunately, I also noticed Mr Vinod has been even more approachable than last semester, and students are more open to asking for his feedback and more willing to open up to him, which makes the class session much more fun.

I found a lot of potential in my own ability in my work from this semester. It took me quite a long time to find and create a good design, but when I do, I will be really satisfied and fond of my work. I also found some new techniques in Illustrator that could help me with my work and improvised my workflow in Illustrator and FontLab, which would probably be useful in future works.


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